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Employment Notice for a Foreign English Teacher
National Beimen Senior High School wants to hire a foreign English teacher in the coming school year (August, 2022-July, 2023) under Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s Foreign English Teacher Recruitment Project.
1.Working: Five days a week and eight hours per day. Job responsibilities include teaching classes, making course preparations, drawing up lesson plans, participating in school meetings and activities( i.e. school fairs, school anniversaries, and so on), instructing the students to participate in interschool competitions, etc.
2.Teaching assignment: Class teaching hours: 20-22 hours/week. Courses include General Studies Year 1-Native Teacher English, General Studies Year 2- Native Teacher English, Physical Education Year 1-Native Teacher English, Physical Education Year 2-Native Teacher Englishetc.
3.Monthly salary: NT$62,720 (bachelor) /69,965 (master) /73,025 (doctor) for the first year.
4.Benefits: Performance incentives (based on performance evaluation), overtime teaching pay, a round-trip economy-class airfare ticket subsidy, monthly housing subsidies, and insurance.
(1)Candidates must be native English speakers from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa, have a college degree or above and hold a license (priority) of English teacher, TEFL teacher or TESL teacher or a certificate of studying relevant teaching programs in college.
(2)Candidates must provide relevant documents for applying for the employment permit. (work permit) The documents include resume, diploma, teacher’s license or certificate, certificate of non-criminal record, certificate of good health, etc.
6.For further detailed information and interview arrangement, please contact Ms.
Chen before July 22 during working hours. (8:00 am. ~ pm.5:00; Mon~Fri) Tel: 0985239082 e-mail: t029@bmsh.tn.edu.tw
Address of Beimen Senior High School: No. 269, Liu'an, Jiali Dist., Tainan City 72242 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
本校為辦理教育部引進外籍英語教師專案計畫,擬於 111 學年度(2022/8-2023/7)招聘英文外師 1 名,工作內容、待遇、資格等如下:
3.月薪:任教第 1 年,大學學歷 NT$62,720/月、碩士 NT$69,965/月、博士 NT$73,025/月
Tel:0985239082 Email: t029@bmsh.tn.edu.tw
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